Showing posts with label Education News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education News. Show all posts

Saturday 20 January 2018

Many of Students Protest for Education Reforms in Hungary

Many of Hungarian students protested outside parliament on Friday to demand reform of an education system. The students say the system is too rigidly focused on rote-learning and blind memorisation of facts. System does not stimulate critical thinking or creativity.

"This is fundamentally a reform protest, but we can also call it a protest against the government as it criticises the government's work in the field of education," said Balazs Fuzfa.

"I have come as I totally agree that the system of public education is in a bad state," said Flora Kokendi.

Critics of PM Viktor Orban's right-wing government say it has failed to reform big state-run systems such as education and healthcare.

"A just, democratic and modern education for all students," said one leaflet prepared by the protest organisers which demanded a free choice of textbooks, a bigger student say in educational matters and a reduction in mandatory school hours.

Viktor Orban has used his time in office to rewrite hundreds of laws, the constitution and to centralise power. His reforms, such as those affecting the judiciary and the media, have triggered conflicts with the European Union.